I guess every cloud really does have a silver lining. Soon, so will the fans of King's Quest. After the hopeful news I could report this morning, Phoenix Online have revealed their new website. Not only does it look great, it also comes with great news! Read more
Nearly 4 months ago, it was announced that Activision had shut down the fan-made game based on Sierra's King's Quest series, The Silver Lining, reneging on a deal made by the developers with then-copyright-owners Vivendi Univeral. A lot of fans, including myself, were outraged at this decision. The TSL team had already named itself Phoenix Online Studios and that name may yet be appropriate. The mythical bird would die in flame, but then be reborn from its own ashes. A commenter alerted me to something stirring on the official TSL site. Read more
Earlier this month, I expressed my frustration at Activision pulling the plug on fan-made The Silver Lining, a previously officially sanctioned sequel to Sierra's famous King's Quest games. I'm not the only one outraged by this, and several efforts are underway by the fan community to get Activision to change their mind. There is an online petition that can use your help and a letter- and e-mail writing campaign is also in progress. I've taken part and hope you will join in too. Read more
I always figured that Electronic Arts were the worst company in the gaming industry. I've been proven wrong. Activision Blizzard, the company that was created when Vivendi acquired Activision in 2008 have just shut down The Silver Lining, previously known as King's Quest IX, a fan-made game that was 8 years in the making. Read more