In the time of DOS, the operating system severely limited how many files could be open simultaneously. The default amount was a ridiculously low of 8 open files, so most people made use of the system's ability to customise the limit by adding a setting to config.sys. A common (and sensible) value was "files=20".
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Blog posts tagged "dosbox" – Posts 6..10 of 16 posts found:

An update for the DOSBox configuration GUI. This time, it's starting to look a little more like the Windows 95 interface rather than Windows 3.1. This looks a little less retro, but leaves more space for the window contents. Check out the screenshot below.
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DOSBox makes use of the SDL library with a few slight modifications for performance on Windows. This exposes a memory leak in SDL 1.2.x. I have filed a bug report and fix with the SDL people, but since this code path is not used under normal circumstances, only in DOSBox, they are not likely to incorporate it any time soon.
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Because of my earlier patch for Omnicron Conspiracy that froze at the title screen, being unable to read keystrokes when run in DOSBox, it wasn't surprising to see a similar problem arrive in my mailbox. This time, the game was "Interphase" and it also got stuck in a loop at the intro screen and rolling demo, not acknowledging any input from keyboard or mouse.
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Yet another update for the DOSBox GUI. Lots of small changes, no real biggies.
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